jenny has been added to the conversation.
little madam says
sharlé says
jenny says
little madam says
what type of magazine do you like reading?
sharlé says
The type that includes music and fashion. It's interesting to me.
jenny says
same here! i like both music and fashion!
sharlé says
Wow great!
little madam says
how often would you read a magazine?
jenny says
i tried to read a lot but it's rarely because of the actual price.
sharlé says
I used to read them a lot, but not so much now- They take up too much space to keep. And it's a waste to throw them away.
little madam says
do you specifically buy 1 magazine or are you looking at what artists are on the front cover?
jenny says
i look at the front cover whether if i like it or not. it's just my preference.
sharlé says
The shop I go to only has a couple of magazines. So I just buy the one that looks most interesting at the time. (It's a very, small shop)
little madam says
how regularly do you buy a maga zine?
jenny says
2-3 within a month i think?
sharlé says
I get one every week. I just don't read them.
so you guys both agree that magazines are a bit expensive?
jenny says
of course! it's the main way i've stopped reading them recently.
sharlé says
Yes definately. I think they're overpriced.
jenny says
sharlé says
Plus you have to throw them out eventually anyway, so it's a bit of a waste of money.
little madam says
do you think that music magazines should target a specific demographic audience or a more wider range for a more diverse audience?
sharlé says
Define demographic.
little madam says
basically should it be aimed at a specific audience or not?
jenny says
i think diverse since then people wont feel discriminated or left out.
sharlé says
I think that a specific audience gives the magazine a clear audience to please
you can't aim it at everyone..
little madam says
should the image on the front cover relate completly on the genre of music of that magazine?
sharlé says
As long as it relates a little bit.
jenny says
it should because it weren't, whats the point?
little madam says
what do you find appealing on a magazine?
jenny says
the front cover, it has to appeal to me!
sharlé says
A strong colour scheme. Wow, this is just the best aspect of a magazine for me.
Great colours create a great, reading atmostphere.
little madam says
jenny can u explain on what you mean do you find the genre, music, colour scheme, artist interesting
jenny says
i guess the colour scheme since it can changes people's feelings.
blue for cold or sadness etc.
little madam says
do you think music magazines should appeal over seas?
sharlé says
I think it's preferance. Are people over seas buying these magazines?
jenny says
it would take a lot of money to ship it to other countries.
sharlé says
Yes, money that can be spent more efficiently on other aspects of a magazine.
little madam says
what do you like about this magazine?
jenny says
provides me information that i want and it's accessible to purchase it.
sharlé says
I like the accessability of it.
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sharlé says
The colours are nice.
jenny says
how kelly looks bold and fierce.
sharlé says
I like her clothes. As a big fan of Kelly,
It makes me want to wear something similar!
little madam says
ok and finally whay do you hate about this magazine or what do you think can be improved?
jenny says
the lack of colour? using more would be much better in a way it's eye catching!
sharlé says
I think the font at the sides looks a bit dull.
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